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12. The Mailbox: My Partner Had An Affair, What Now?


In this episode we discuss a question from a listener in our mailbox series.  We love getting your emails and questions!

The Mailbox: My Partner Had An Affair, What Now?

When you find out your partner (who you thought was wonderful) has been unfaithful, this is pretty devastating news to say the least.  It's confusing and shocking news, especially if it was completely 100% unexpected.

In this episode we address a listener's question and try to unpick all the components of the question and provide some food for thought and ideas around what factors need to be considered.

Does an episode of infidelity have to mean the end?  Can a couple survive an affair and perhaps have an even better relationship? What has to happen for the couple to move on? How can trust be re-established in the relationship and is this even possible?